Maintenance Aspects of Windfarm Infrastructure

Aantal deelnemers: 27

Deze HSB-workshop zal plaatsvinden tijdens de Offshore Energy expositie in het RAI complex in Amsterdam. Zoals gebruikelijk is de toegang gratis. Naast de HSB-leden zijn ook uw introducees en belangstellende bezoekers van de beursvloer welkom.

Om de logistiek financieel in de hand te houden is een maximum van 100 deelnemers gesteld. Zorg daarom dat u zich tijdig opgeeft.

HSB-leden registreren zoals gebruikelijk via de aanmeldknop boven deze pagina, zodat we weten hoeveel HSB-leden deelnemen (van belang i.v.m. prioriteitstelling bij toewijzen stoelen).

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Offshore Energy 18

I.v.m. concurrentie aspecten t.o.v. standhouders op de beursvloer is de gebruikelijke mogelijkheid van tafeltjes huur (€ 100) niet aanwezig.
Wel kunt u publiciteit verkrijgen door het sponsoren van een deel van de logistiek (koffie/thee of netwerk drankjes).

Tot ziens op de workshop,

Leeke van der Poel,


Het programma van deze middag:

14:00 – 14.30 Walk in

14.30 – 14.35 Opening and Welcome address by Leeke van der Poel (Chair HSB)

14.35 – 15.35 Presentations 1

15.35 – 16.05 Break Coffee/Tea

16.05 – 17.05 Presentations 2

17.05 – 18.00 Drinks and Networking

NB: 09.30 – 14:00 Possibility to visit the exhibition.

Hieronder een overzicht van de presentaties:

1. Fishery and bottom related obstacles on the Northsea.

by Mr. Rob Lambij (worked at the Ministry of Waterworks, Directorate of the North sea and co-founder of the Foundation “wet” archeological projects(SNAP)).

An estimated number of 10.000 objects/obstructions e.g. ship wrecks, ammunition, lost cargo, ships anchors, oil and gas pipelines and electricity and telecom cables are lying on or in the bottom of the Netherlands Continental Shelf. Offshore pipelines with a diameter < 16 inch and telecom and electricity cables have to laid on a government prescribed depth below the seabed.

Caused by the mobility of the North sea bottom the cables and pipelines frequently become uncovered. Particularly “free lying”-cables can be damaged by fishing gear with possible cable break or rupture. These “free lying” telecom and electricity cables will be discussed in particular.

 2. The process of a cable repair project.

By Mr Reinier Nagtegaal (CEO - ECE Offshore).

The amount of offshore wind farm cable repairs have significantly increased over the last years. As cable faults generally come unexpected, the time pressure for these projects is extremely high and the available means are limited. Reinier Nagtegaal will explain the process of a cable repair project starting at fault detection and ending at the installation of the repair joint and new cable at the fault location.

3. Hydrographic support for installation and maintenance of windfarms: a solution.

By Mr. Bart van Mierlo (CEO - Periplus Group).

For the construction and maintenance of offshore windfarms an enormous amount of hydrographic and geophysical data are collected. Different stakeholders might have different objectives and are individually responsible for the collection of new data or at least the interpretation of existing data. The owner is paying for this but based on our experience has only limited access to these data.

A centrally organized data repository would save time and money, but does not exist. By providing access to these data all parties would benefit while working with the same information. With the GR:Dit platform Periplus provides a solution. This web-based application will provide up-to-date information of the windfarm area. Combined with our in-house developed inspection data tool the owner has a complete overview of the status of the windfarm. 

4. Scour protection: maintenance and more.

By Mike Lycke (Survey Offshore Manager – Jan De Nul Group).

Jan De Nul Group is as an offshore contractor often responsible for the installation of the scour protection around offshore structures; such as monopiles, gravity base structures...  Nowadays the requirement also arises to maintain the scour protection. This session will explain the role and challenges of the Jan De Nul survey department during maintenance work at the scour protection of offshore structures.

One of the major challenges is the vessel positioning around the structures.  In order to install scour protection in close proximity of the structure it is very important to have very reliable and fully redundant DP and survey system.

A second challenge is to monitor the installation process efficiently with the installation vessel.  Furthermore, we also want to deliver a survey deliverable, created from the installation vessel, to our client to show the performed works and provide them with a new baseline for future maintenance monitoring.

De volgende presentaties zijn gehouden:
Visserij en bodemgerelateerde obstakels op de Noordzee door van Society for Nautical Archeological Projects (SNAP)
Het proces van een kabelreparatie project door van ECE Offshore
Hydrografische ondersteuning bij installatie en onderhoud van windmolenparken: een oplossing door van Periplus Group
Erosie bescherming: onderhoud en meer door van Jan de Nul nv
De workshop werd gehouden te:
RAI Amsterdam - Hal 3 “Conferentiegebied”
Europaplein 24
1078 GZ, Amsterdam
Lijst van deelnemers:
Alain de Wulf
Andrew Devlin
Cor Beemster
Erwin Landman
Frans van Dongen
Hans Vos
Hans Willem De Leeuw
Henk van der Kaaij
Herman Huitema
IJves Wesselman
Ine Woltermann
John Loog
John van der Marel
Leeke van der Poel
Leo Sakaguchi
Matthieu Vrakking
Mattijs de Lange
Michiel Mosch
Peter Aarts
Remco Stek
Ronald Mossinkoff
Sjoerd Knoop
Vincent van Nesselrooij
rein de vries